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Virginian Tiger Moth

Spilosoma virginica

The Virginian Tiger Moth (Spilosoma virginica) is a medium-sized moth found in North America. Its distinct markings make it easily recognizable in the field. The wings of this moth are mostly white with black spots on the forewings and black and orange dots on both sides of the thorax. Near the head, there are yellow or orange patches. On the hindwing, there may be occasional black dots on the underside. The body is covered in white fur.

One interesting fact about the Virginian Tiger Moth is that the white fur on its body is actually a form of camouflage. When threatened, the moth will curl up and reveal its bright yellow-orange abdomen, startling any potential predators. Despite its name, this species is not limited to Virginia and can be found in various habitats throughout North America.

Open fields, suburban yards and gardens, edges of woodlands and forests
Scientific Name
Spilosoma virginica
Wing Span
32mm to 52mm
General Size
Wing Color
Marking's Color
Markings Pattern
Color Patches

Characteristics describe the physical and behavioral traits that distinguish a species from others. This section helps readers identify and differentiate between similar species, aiding in species identification and reducing the chance of misidentification.

Identifying Characteristics

From Above:

  1. Distinct lines of black and orange dots on both sides of thorax

  2. Yellow/orange patches near head

  3. Occasional black dots on underside of hindwing

Identifying Characteristics

From Below:

  1. Distinct lines of black and orange dots on both sides of thorax

  2. Yellow/orange patches near head

  3. Occasional black dots on underside of hindwing

The chart displays the months of the year on the x-axis and observations of a particular species on the y-axis, indicating the time of year when each species is most commonly observed. This chart can assist moth watchers and researchers in predicting the best times and locations to observe specific moth species.

A range map is a visual representation of a species' geographical distribution, and it helps naturalists and field researchers quickly determine if a species is likely to be found in a given area, aiding in identification, conservation, and habitat management efforts.